I'm pretty pleased with this overall result. The mane on the mare could have been brighter perhaps, more defined. My main gripe concerns the birds. I had planned on making them quite garish and generally more prominent in the painting but that idea got a little lost, although the focal point is undoubtedly the horses. The title of the piece concerns two famous horses from myth and legend. Enbarr, meaning "imagination", is Niamh's horse in Irish mythology. The horse could not be killed by man or god. Epona translates as "Great Mare", and derives from very old Roman texts. Epona was the protector of all horses, but was also responsible(in a spiritual sense) for escorting or guiding the souls of the deceased. Its role was not to judge, but simply to provide safe passage.
Absoulutly brilliant! I think it portrays a wildness and force which cant be contained. Lea.
I love it, I think the birds work beautifully, they don't detract from the horses but are a nice aside to the whole piece.John xx
They contain a certain wildness definitely.
There is something of the roaring sea about them...a force of firey nature. xxx
Pete, this image is astounding! I'm working on a picture of Epona at the moment although i'm in the design stages. I had yet to find an image of Epona that was how I had thought her to be til now. If I can capture even half the spirit you have I'd know its a job well done. Beautiful work! So sad it has sold as I would have thought about buying it myself! Awe inspiring ^_^
Thank you for those very flattering comments Mike. It was an enjoyable piece. I think I spent a full week sketching horses from every angle available before I began the final drawing, which helped it alot I think.
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