A representation of two of the oldest characters in world mythology, roughly dating as far back as 3000BC.
The woman, Tiamat, is described in Sumerian myth as a kind of she-dragon, who was present when the world was created, thereby symbolising the original mother goddess.
She was originally portrayed as a benevolent force by the Sumerian's, but for varying reasons this was eventually to change once the myth was adopted by the Babylonians.
Later she is described as destructive, and so Marduk, a Babylonian god, is sent to destroy her.
Personally I prefer the original incarnation of Tiamat, and therefore have purposefully shown Marduk as the aggressor, thereby fulfilling the role of man throughout human history.
perfect :)
I think you've done a fantastic job with this. Well done.
I'm just typing up a blog post on the Babylonian creation myth and I wondered if you would mind if I use the top image to illustrate it. As I said in my previous comment, it is a fantastic piece of art and I love how you've portrayed the two characters. I will of course credit you and link the image to your blog. Please let me know what you think and thank you for your time.
Hi Charlotte, thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. Yes, go ahead with it and good luck! Thank you for asking for permission, as not everyone is so polite.
All the best,
It is indeed a nice pic. Could I use your picture of Tiamat as well? I'm writing a post about ancient dragons and its origins (it will be in Spanish and English), I'll certainly share the links to your blog and web-site as well.
Hi Julio,
Go right ahead, all the best with it. Use the link to my website as well if you wouldn't mind please- petertinkler.com
Good luck with it. Send me the post as well, I'd find it interesting to read.
Thank you! Here is the link to my post: https://auroswords.wordpress.com/2016/12/12/ancient-dragon-myths-tiamat-yam-and-illuyanka/
Have a nice day!
Hello Peter, I too would love to use and credit your image of Tiamut for my newsletter. It is great to see such a depiction of her, in her watery, creative capacity. Thanks Sarah
Hi Sarah, thanks for asking. You are welcome to use the image. Would you be so kind as to credit the blog as well as my website please: petertinkler.com
All the best.
love it! my email figlidisputnik@gmail.com
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